Samuel Johnson, when he died, embodied that old humanist ideal. He had become a person of taste, of judgment and a person of culture. I realy admire him; an essayist, playwrite, poet, one of the greatest critics of all time. I, in turn, have become a top high fashion runway and print model, a published author, and writer. Have I become a person of taste? yes. I admire those I deem admirable in works of art, in sculpture, paintings, and authors. Judgement? Yes. I have the ability to make considered decisions. A person of culture? I have not become a total person of culture. The person I know to be totally cultured was my mother, may she rest in peace, she embodied the cultured life. She was always kind, she visited the sick and the housebound, spoke more than one language, she was formally educated, dressed beautifully, entertained with style and possessed impeccable manners. She was an inspiration and admired by all who knew her.