Thursday, February 1, 2024

Cataract surgery is a breeze (most of the time)+

 For those of you that are thinking about having eye surgery but are apprehensive, or scared, like I was. don't be, please. I talked to so many people that had it done and all gave an easy thumbs up. My sister, and brother-in-law both have had it, and talked about how wonderful it is to see true colors again, it is magical and amazing to read signes, admire farm animals in their pastures on our drives. and it is all true. Had my left eye done first - everything was perfect and was realy looking forward to having my right eye done. so 30 January, be there time: 6:45, saw Dr. at 8:00, proceeder done, come back at 2:30 to be checked. Wait a minute. I have a sharp pain in my eye and there feels like some thing is in it or loose or s o m e t h i n g!!! I am telling this to the Dr. whom I totally trust, and he goes, 'Oh. I forgot to tell you, you had a small leision on your eye, so I removed it, I didn't charge for it. (never mind) I forgot to tell you, I'm sorry, so there is a scratch you are feeling;' he quickly went after a med, and placed a drop in my eye, and I was to continue puting my perscription drops in 3 thimes a day. Well, my eye was blood shot today, so called and said Whats' up with that? He said besides your drops 3 times a day, use your regular drops for dry eye.......3 PM in the afternoon and I am feeling mellow, My eye sight is glorious, and my eye is almost cleared up.  So every eye is different. I am telling you this tale, so go ahead and "Just do It'  You will not regret it. Happy days.....


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