Pamela Stella made such a list that included 'went to school and walked back'. One of my most vivid memories and in all kinds of weather; I remember walking up Main street in the snow and wondering if the water that always settled in the corner lot where I would turn to go on to school, had frozen over, so I could do an impromptu iceskating show wearing my snowboots, which in reality, would be sliding from one side to the other. Several times I almost missed the bell. And after a heavy snow, I remember, Mr Hobbs, guiding his horse, who was pulling a V shapped hand made wooden plow, clearing the sidewalk, moving the snow off to eithr side. Let me know about your memory that has lasted a lifetime....
Oh, that icy midwest cold! I had to walk 2 loooong blocks to the bus stop and wait for the school bus. No fun icy skating surface ike you! LOL!