Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 I am not at all happy that I searched multiple places to find the reason(s) Hitler hated the Jews so much and had to destroy them.  The search was disturbing to say the least - (never have to do that again) I will give one of their delusional reasons: they were responsible for the Germans loosing WW1.  

My message to Israel: Do not stop, ever, protecting your freedom. That being said, you must protect innocent citizens, not try.....you must DO IT!  as you bring down the terrorist groups that are indeed your enemy. Remember all good, decent human beings love you and pray God protects you.     


Friday, July 19, 2024

Warm Off the Vine

 My brother-in-law, John S. Davies, noted actor, director, writer and gardener, is married to my sister, Lou, actor and broadcast journalist coach. Lou is John's assistant in the garden, but mostly, during harvests.  And what a bounty comes into this house: greens for salads, for cooking, that go into her delicious soups; we enjoy fresh garlic, fresh onions, carrots--herbs that include rosemary, dill, basil. And best of all: tomatoes! especially when they are freshly picked, brought into the kitchen, rinsed off to drain and if you're lucky, you can get to them when still warm off the vine.  

Brings back the memory when I was a young girl helping my grandmother plant tomatoes. Holding the small plants in my hand while I followed her  into the newly tilled earth of the garden, that had been prepared by my grandfather, I was very careful to have one ready as she used her tool to dig a single hole. The hand made tool was made of wood shaped like a T. The longer piece with a pointed end at about 2 1/2 inches in diamater was the digging tool, just about 20" tall, and the cross piece was the handle that she grasped and drove the tool into the soil. I moved in closer and handed her one of the small plants. She arranged the roots; using the watering can, poured some water, just enough  to cover the roots, then as I held the plant straight she filled the hole with dirt, pressing around the plant with her fingers, making sure the plant was standing at attention, straight as a soldier.  

Then after some months, it was time to "pick tomatoes." I lived with my gtandparents for a time, so I was always available for the next adventure. I would work in the garden for a while and soon I would come upon a perfectly round, red tomato.  An outdoor pump was adjacent to the garden--I would sit on the cement plantform, wipe the tomato off with whatever was around, hold the beauty in both hands and take my first bite. I have so many wonderful childhood memories--and those moments sitting on the pump plantform, tasting the warm sweetness, slowly finishing it; holding it away from me, to keep the drippings away from my clothes, were part of the 'Happy Days of Childhood" that live with us--we keep them close to our hearts always. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Horseracing Wrongs

I have bene involved with this extraordinary organization for over a year now, when I heard the comment: 'You can love horses, you can love horseracing, but you can't love both.'  I do love horses and had been to a few horseraces, years ago, in the midwest; placing a bet here and there but I never knew the abuse, the broken bones 2 year olds suffered and had to be destroyed because their bones were not fully developed, when they were froced to run and how many horses died from doping--racing with injuries.  Seven horses died at last years' Kentucky Derby at Chirchill Downs; 12 horses died all together in the Triple Crown. Deadly Triple Crown season ends with 2 more horse deaths at Belmont Park. Source : Global News. June 2023.   Do not have 2024 count at this moment. 
Killing horses for entertainment: At least 100 horses died in the Chariot race in the classic movie Ben-Hur. 

Golden Gate Fields, after 83 years of abusing horses, ran its final race Sunday. This closure is a major victory for us activists, particularly as it occurs in California, a state often seen as a bellwether for progress in America. Golden Gate will become the third major track casualty in California since 2008, following Bay Meadows and Hollywood Park.

While we celebrate this momentous occasion, we also recognize the immense challenges ahead. The trend, not just in California but across the nation, is consolidation, with the (few) stronger tracks becoming stronger. Our work now requires even more passion, focus, and intensity to meet this challenge head-on. 

More good news and a call to action! 


Over 50 activists joined us along with two mobile billboards circling Saratoga Race Course for the Belmont Stakes on Saturday. The protest drew both print and television media. Thousands of people educated! 

'Fight until all horses are liberated from horseracing'

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Small Town in Illinois

 I felt loved and treasured growing up in an Italian family. My parents were born in Italy and that meant living the Italian Life, which always represented: style, kindness and impeccable manners, When they dressed for 'going out' to the Harbor Lights Supper Club, in Galesburg, 10 miles north of our town, Abingdon--would it be dinner or dancing or both, they looked like movie stars to us. Her favorite evening dress for dinner was a black, long sleeve satin dress, pencil skirt below the knee, with lace detail on the bodice, we knew there would be dancing if she added the black lace over-skirt, tied with a small satin band at the waist. Our handsome father always dressed in a smart suit, white shirt and tie, holding our mother's arm as they walked down the stairs; her red lips smiling at us, her dark hair perfectly styled after being in pin curls all day--meeting us in the foyer, gliding past us, out the front door, across the porch and down the stairs to the car. My two older sisters and I followed, waving good bye as they pulled out of the drive.    

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Airports, Airplanes, traveling First Class

 About a week ago, my sister, Louisa, and I flew American Airlines, out of DFW  to Pheonix, Arisona airport, for a family visit. Used to fly often, not anymore, I am older now, but still, negotiating going through security, after valet parking our car, a hundred miles away, and then trying to find your gate is a hassle, trying close to an eating place is ridiculous, there is waiting, pick a number, go through the buffet line, and find your booth/table/ carrying your food till everything is cold. anyway, waiting in line to board--a nightmare, oh wait! I had priority seating. I enjoyed the ride, it was was smooth and nice. The serving leaves a lot to be desired. Champagne, a good thing. Your choice of chips, cookies, nuts, in a basket, passed around several times by the flight attendent, not a good thing.  Return trip, same hassles at the airport, just worse.  We flew the Flag Ship #737 So cool.... here it is.... we boarded in the back of first class, 'and what to my wandaering eyes should appear......? but tall cylinders, arranged 1 -2 - 1 across the floor of the plane, as barrels of oils, imported from the east. I had reserved an 'aisle seat' on the left. so proceeded to the cylinder marked 3C, peaking around the open side I found a seat, a small movie screen, all sorts of outlets and electronic play things; I small diagram on the side panel, showed 4 positions of the chair, and much to my delight as I tapped each one my chair moved in a downward motion, the last one found me totally streatched out in a sleeping berth as my chair moved down and  under the space at my feet. By the way I did have a very good rest. Thank you American Airlines. 


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Out door coffee

 Following a meeting, someone said, who is up for coffee? That would be me and three friends--quickly deciding  on 'Timbers' - We found a small round table for four just outside the shop. What a delightful moment for everyone. Reminding us all about the European lifestyle of taking time to visit with friends during a busy day, before heading for home. Being energized by the fresh air, watching the outdoor scenes; we were fortunate to have a shy, somewhat fearful to approach, dog, stop by. Our friend, Belinda, immediately got up from her chair and went inside to purchase a couple of small hot dogs. She placed them on the cement a away from us and the grateful dog had her fill. We discovered later, she was a neighborhood street dog; her sister had been captured and placed in a shelter, this beautiful dog was having no part of that!     

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What I Want to Become.....

 Samuel Johnson, when he died, embodied that old humanist ideal. He had become a person of taste, of judgment and a person of culture. I realy admire him; an essayist, playwrite, poet, one of the greatest critics of all time. I, in turn, have become a top high fashion runway and print model, a published author, and writer. Have I become a person of taste? yes. I admire those I deem admirable in works of art, in sculpture, paintings, and authors. Judgement? Yes. I have the ability to make considered decisions.  A person of culture? I have not become a total person of culture. The person I know to be totally cultured  was my mother, may she rest in peace, she embodied the cultured life. She was always kind, she visited the sick and the housebound, spoke more than one language, she was formally educated, dressed beautifully, entertained with style and possessed impeccable manners.  She was an inspiration and admired by all who knew her.